RDataMining Tutorial on Machine Learning with R
Post date: Jun 06, 2017 6:30:51 AM
I have run a tutorial on Machine Learning with R for the Melbourne Data Science Week in June 2017, which consists of four sessions:
R Programming
Association Rule Mining with R
Text Mining with R
Social Network Analysis with R
All materials of the above tutorial, incl. PDF slides, datasets and R scripts can be downloaded as a single ZIP archive at
How to use it:
Decompress the ZIP archive, and you will find file and folders below:
MLwR.Rproj: RStudio project file
code: R scripts
data: datasets
docs: PDF slides
figures: charts
Open the “MLwR.Rproj” file with RStudio
Open each PDF slides file (in folder “docs”) and run its corresponding R scripts (in folder “code”) to learn each topic
Detailed instructions for the tutorial are available at http://www.rdatamining.com/training/medascin